TV Episodes:
5) 'Kerblam!'
4) 'It Takes You Away'
3) 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth'
2) 'Resolution'
1) 'Rosa'.
Big Finish Audios:
5) 'The Seventh Doctor New Adventures Vol 1''
4) 'Serpent in the Silver Mask'
3) 'Red Planets'
2) 'UNIT: Cyber-Reality'
1) 'Hour of the Cybermen'.
Signing Events:
5) 'April Signing Spectacular' - St. Michaels Church Hall', Chiswick (Fantom Films)
4) 'Collectormania 2018' - NEC, Birmingham (Showmasters)
3) 'Whooverville 10' - Quad, Derby (Whoovers)
2) 'London Film & Comic Con 2018' - Olympia, London (Showmasters)
1) 'Big Finish Day 2018' - Quad, Derby (Whoovers)