Saturday, 31 December 2022

2022 Awards: 'Sherlock Holmes'


Only the one TV/Film production again this year - Netflix's excellent 'Enola Holmes 2'. Click here for my review.


8) Miss Sherlock Holmes   (Esher Theatre)

7) The Poison Belt  (Jermyn Street Theatre, London)

6) Max & Ivanthology: Holmes & Watson   (Pleasance Theatre)

5) The Hound of the Baskervilles (Harlequin Theatre, Redhill)

4) The Return of Sherlock Holmes  (Upstairs At The Gatehouse)

3) The Valley of Fear  (Greenwich Theatre)

2) Sherlock Holmes and the Sons of Anubis (Coulsdon Community Centre)

1) Sherlock Holmes: The Final Problem  (Ashroft Arts Centre, Fareham)


3) The Fiends of New York City (Big Finish)

2) The Adventure of the Deceased Doctor  (Big Finish)

1) Moriarty - The Devil's Game  (Audible Original/Treefort Media)   [Click here for review]


10) Kingston & Richmond

9) Reigate

8) Woolwich

7) Crowthorne

6) Amberley

5) Oxford

4) Liverpool

3) SHERLOCK's South Wales

2) Old Royal Naval College

1) East Anglia




2022 Awards: 'Doctor Who'

TV Episodes

3) Eve of the Daleks

2) Legend of the Sea Devils

1) The Power of the Doctor

Big Finish Audios

10) Doctor of War: Genesis

9) The Sixth Doctor Adventures: Purity Undreamed

8) Mind of the Hodiac

7) Classic Doctors New Monsters 3: The Stuff of Nightmares

6) Peladon

5) The Eighth of March 2: Protectors of Time

4) The Ninth Doctor: Old Friends

3) Charlotte Pollard - The Further Adventures

2) The Sixth Doctor Adventures: Water Worlds

1) Out of Time 3: Wink

Other Merchandise

5) 'Don't Blink' Board Game  (Gale Force Nine)

4) Target Novelisations: The Eaters of Light/The Fires of Pompeii

3) 'Sil' Coaster (Forbidden Planet)

2) Vervoid Hand-Painted Figurine (Robert Harrop)

1) 'DW: The Collection - Season 22' DVD Boxset